Sunday, 12 August 2012

dikecam sebagai PEREMPUAN MURAHAN!

:face33:Stress gak la bila dikecam sbg perempuan murahan bayangkan la....tiba2 kita dipngl perempuan murahan krana kcau boyfie orang! e seriously! me never kcau boyfie orng yeRh!
erm...tapi apa2 pown...
everthing suda selesai becoz... saya da mintk maaf dengan prempuan tue...

kenapa sa minta maaf instead of maki dia balik???
jawapan dia senang: saya tidak suka orang benci saya dan sa x suka benci orang!

sebenarnya kalau ikutkn persaan saya maki balik orang tu....tapi tu la saya x suka bermusuh!
betmbah nanti dosa saya...
mungkin orang lain fikir saya noob! cuz minta maaf atas benda yang saya tidak pernah buat...
tapi i dont care as long saya happy....
everythings fine!

tQ Bapa kerana bagi saya kasih...sehingga saya boleh mengasihi orang lain seperti
Bapa mengasihi saya.


Tuesday, 31 July 2012

akan bercuti!

bha! Tidak sabar mw bercuti selama seminggu. sa mw blek2. ermm...trus trang my first sem di cosmo x mencabar pun..... besa jak! Paper only malaysian studies pnya la lucu.. xpa senang ka? Susa ka? Kita mesti buat y terbaik.<3 dcnea sa bljar kita msti tida boros.kena hargai stiap wktu y kita ada dgn fmily, hargai wktu belajr bhagikn msa spya x gila....hargai hub.persahabatan, terima keburukn orng lain! Bila tngl dgn orng lain kita kena pandai bertolak ansur.... sa juga belajar nobody perfect! Bnyk jenis orng sa jmpa d UA nea....dcnea bnyk lelaki lmbut....

lucu gak at first!Tpi at last besfren nea sa dgn lelaki lmbut tue..n of cos sa ada secret crush d cnea....budk culinary art! Ensem mcm muka xboyfiee...first <3 konon la... so sweet that tlampau bila tgk dia msk..... hehe.

dats all 4 2day... lv u guys....


Wednesday, 11 July 2012

kehidupan Baru di COSMOPOINT!

Bila suda jauh dari family!
rasa dia mcm kucing tia mkn bertahun-tahun...ahahha
tapi seriously bila tngal sndri pemikiran tue pndai jadi matang sendri.... tiba2 kena fikir banyak bnda yang sa tia pena terfikir pown sebelum nea.

dewasa2x! [i like]

trus trang la....bila suda tngal sndri nea automatik dri kita nea sedar yang kita x laii bole bersandar dengn orang len other than ourself...
diri kita la penentu masa depan. kita x ble harap parents laii.....kalo msh mw harap parents.. huhu.. sa pown tia tw la....

lama kan sa tidak on9! ahahah....sorry guys...
cnea busy btool... pas2 susa mw on9 la....broadband pown baru dpt nea arey! kepada yang follow sa dan blm difollow blek??? tngal link dalam comment box! sure difollow!

doakan agar! agar sa cemerlang dalam final exam!

Sunday, 27 May 2012

kHdupan yang datang dan pergi~

bila cerita pasal kepergian sesorang kita msti sedih kan...
even di hnya la teman baik..that happen to not be my family but destined to be my frens.
life as u know come n goes.
it's God will..
everthing that happens has it own reason...but the real thing is...
people dun wanna know the reason even..its wonderful....
because it hurt enough to loose a person in yr life!
many people dun like accpting the u know
but when u get on with it...
everything going to be fine..
as for me...there's a lot thinking going on...
im thinking about their family everyone that realted to them....
its hard to let go is it...?
but thinking how they manage to live their life with great experincd great hapInes
makes me ok...
i know there's something to this..
but the only THING that u have to to open yr yr heart...
let time heal everthing..
give God the chance to heal you!


Friday, 25 May 2012

lack of parenting skill can cause a life!

'weii...pasal serius sgt tajuk tue' ahah...mama tnya la pulakk! ^^,

ok! napa arey nea tiba2 mw ckp pasal parenting issues!
sbb...parenting issues nea sgt mempengaruhi remaja seperti kita!
parenting skill yang tidak baik akan membawa padah pada diri c anak yang sedang membesar!
banyak kejadian yang berlaku disebabkan oleh perkara ini.

sebagai contoh pelajar membunuh diri akibat tekanan dari parents
dimana parents menetapkn tahap kejayaan yang tinggi without knowing their babies limit!
they just push and push n at the end! they loose their child!

hari nea mcm biasa SAYS.COM send news flash!
sala satu dripdanya ialah?? kes SPM 7A student commit SUICIDE!
why is this happening?? moral support from parents!
2.bila anak dorang fail in some subject. thy does'nt give any encourgement
but they keep on blaming their child for failing!
3.then membanding-bandingkn anak2....cthnya bila ada seorang daripda siblings mempunyai IQ y rendah?dan parents dia membanding-bandingkan dia dengan adik2 y lain...sudah tentu la dia presure kan....situasi nea selalu berlaku di kalangan kluarga2 y berada! 'take note!'
4.over pushing without knowing kemampuan diri anak2!
5.terlalu mengongkong!

dear parents! anak2 adalah manusia...seprti diri kamoo gak..
yes i know kmoo buat semua nea supaya anak kamoo berjaya! tapi kamoo kna bt dgn cara y btool!
sa sedih bila ada kawan saya gelar diri dia ROBOT! she tells me. she dun feel apa2 laii...she'll do anything for her parents!
i cried! because i know how it dad blaming my failure on me..
doing something that against my will....
.making me believe that i should be ashamed of myself!
im sorry for saying this but im human i cant take it anymore... im sorry for letting u down!
i'll try my best to make u proud!
seriously being treated that way making me think of suicide!
but....with GOD,mom n my friends good to go! and now im here!
surviving life n try to make him proud!
yes! i hate you, how u treat me n else...but now im fine now...
i love u dad! im sorry for letting u down...i just need time to digest all of this thats all...

sorry terlebih pula cerita hal lalu! this is just for sharing!

''dibawa nea article about budak penang y mndpt 7A! ''

(Penang, on the 24th) A less important? 18-year-old Zhong Lingguo China Middle School Pre-class students, the suspect can not be in the Malaysian Certificate of Education Examination (SPM) made ​​all A's achievements, brood, knot obscure, wearing a red shirt, black trousers and hanged himself.

Deceased Chen Junwen

Deceased Chenjun Wen (Yang Arizona Tan) at 16:00 on Thursday about five Road, Penang Island, a HDB 15 a unit, the home alone to the room locked, the window frames to clothing bundled hanged himself in the evening, the deceased's family 9 am to return home, only to expose this tragedy, grief-reported the police investigation, later, medical personnel, preliminary inspection of the remains to determine the deceased by the killed 6 hours.

It is learned that the deceased in May, Chung Ling High School attending University courses a year, on top of the deceased from the primary school results, get all A's in the government examination results, except for last year's Malaysian Certificate of Education Examination, 9 subjects, only 7A results obtained, so that the dead difficult to accept, I believe that still bear a grudge after the commencement of, and hanged himself.

The deceased and the parents, grandmother and a sister are living in the same units, In addition to the grandmother occasionally communicate with their neighbors, the rest of the family members rarely greet with the neighbors, subject to neighbors often hear came the home of the deceased quarrel sound, according to police sources pointed out that , dead quiet on weekdays, recently, it was the last exchange with her father, has been the matter of a couple of days ago. It is understood that the mother of the deceased is also taught in Chung Ling High School, Master in recent years, the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, often back and forth to the capital and Penang.
For details, please buy the Kwong Wah Yit P

sumber:kwong wah e-newspaper

so parents? gud luck in parenting!

:131:ANY COMMENT PLEASE CLICK THE "leave a comment button!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

teman terbaik dalam hidup Bii ya!they could be your bestfren too!

i know u all ada bestfren kan??
bii ya pown ada gak!
mw tw sepa??
bha meh la truskn mbca entry saa~ ^^,

1.cik diary
tq sbb sudi mndgr semua luahan hati sa...tx gak sbb tolong smpn semua rasia sa,
tidak mungkin lupa jasa kamoo~

2.cik weight scale!
tQ! buat bii ya sedar diri ttng berat badan bii ya!nge~~ tmbh cute suda..tx ckp jujur!

3.cik cermin??
muka saya tak lawa ehh?? ermm... xpa y penting cik cermin jujur!

special bFF!


tq for being my bestfren n oso my mom...u're my everythING!

:131:ANY COMMENT CLICK THE ''leave a comment button'

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

pasal K.I.T.A remaja la!! ^^.

erm..~ remaja nea weird laa~ umur2 kita nea adalah fasa y paling complicated buat diri kita
family n kwn2....pasal apa?? "PASAL K.I.T.A REMAJA LA!" ehhe...bukn sbb saket mental ke...sakit jiwa kerr~ ^^,

:face18: ehhe~

erm..bnda2 complicated dlm diri remaja!

1.bila parent ckp JANGAN merokok??
2.bila parents ckp JANGAN ponteng sekolah!
3.bila parents ckp eh! TIDAK BAIK buat tue sayng~
4.bila perents ckp JANGAN suka blek lewat mlm!
5.JANGAN suka tgk bnda2 tak baik~
6.bila kwn ckp Bii Ya tolong jga diary sa erk...JANGAN baca pulakk~

huh! da siap baca suma d atas kan? kmoourang rasa kalo parents kamoo ckp gnea kmoo ikut kaa?
i bet u dont! ahaha....same to me...(bii ya tak pena buat suma kt atas kecuali ponteng n bca diary kwn...ahha)
sbenarnya perkataan JANGAN n TIDAK BOLEH mencetuskn perasaan ingin tahu remaja...
e2 sebabnya ibu bapa perlu menyatakn sebab kna sesuatu bnda e2 x boleh dilakukn..
kalo tidak? otak remaja akan mengiprtsikn sesuatu y salah... dimana mereka ingin tahu
sebab knapa sesuatu bnda e2 x boleh dilakukan! dimana mereka willing tue exprienced semua di atas! to solved all those question yang bermain di minda!

tapi ehhe~ there's a catch!
remaja nea pula~

bila parents cakap?

1.MESTI belajar!
2.MESTI rajin ke sekolah
3.MESTI dengar ckp cikgu

huh! remaja susa pulakk nak buat!
kenapa?------> suda mnjadi lumrah dunia sesuatu y baik e2 diabaikan oleh remaja..becoz its not enjoyable!
its not mind catching at all.
as for me seriously sa tertarik pown mw buat bnda2 di atas~
d cnealah~ peranan parents! dorng kna rasuah?ehh! bukan2 tak baik guna perkataan rasuah kna bagi student encourgmnt! cthnya kalo dia dpt result baik mom n dad bwa la p bercuti! ^^,
dengan cara ini AMEN! remaja lebih terdorong untuk belajar! melakukan apa y disuruh!

tapi kadang2 parents kna bgi pluang too their young teens....untuk exprincd sndri pahit manis khdpn so dorng boleh mgajar diri mereka sndri without any doubt!

Complicated kan remaja nea...tue sebab orng ckp fasa remaja adalah fasa y paling KRITIKAL!
kalo tak jga btool2 bole hancooR!


:98:kalo parents cakap JANGAN STUDY??
kamu rasa la teens buat apa?? dorang study kaa??


Sunday, 20 May 2012

kalo kita bagi segala2 nya cinta sejati ehh??

wahaii kaum hawa ketahui la...dengan memberi segala2nya(kesucian diri)
e2 bukan cinta sejati.
sbgai seorang wanita kita kna jga diri... jngn terlalu taksub dalam teori2 percintaan dalam buku si kaum lelaki....kita dilahirkn dengan akal. guna la akal dengan sebaik2 nya...
bila lelaki ckp..

"baby? baby syng dekat hubby tak?? kalo syng bktikan la..."

huh! y perempuan nea bukn men laii excited~ dengar ayat2 bf durng...tanpa pikir pnjang
kmoo dengan relanya bagi kesucian kmoo terhadap urng len. sandi ehh~

cuba la pikir pnjang siket~ nti kmoo kawin apa laii kmoo mw bg suami kmoo???
bnda paling teruk if u pregnant! sepa tangung malu diri sndri gak kan...
huh! bila suda pregnant mula la kes buang anak@ membunuh ank sndri(kes kejam!)
tolong la guys? pikir pnjang2 b4 bwat sesuatu...
ingt la diri tue amt berharga...

as christian says diri manusia e2 bait suci Tuhan!

:131::ANY COMMENT CLICK THE "leave a comment button"

nak jadi cikgu ke artis?

hurm2.....tak patut...tak patut!
nak jdi cikgu kerr? jadi artis??
faham tak persoalan nea??? tak faham kena la baca~

cikgu zaman tia mcm dulu laii....kalo dulu2 cikgu dia strict gilaa~
kalo skg?? ckgu dia hampir 50% ckgu cool2 semua! mcm teens...ehhe
ckgu2 zaman skg sukakan POPULARITI!
bukn sa ckp semua la tapi segelintir sahaja!
bnyk ckgu yang kasi lupa tngungjwb dorng to gain populariti(btl atw tidak??) tue kmoo buat penilaian sendiri la dari situasi2 di bwh~

1.tolong student beli rokok
2.tolong student kuar tem mlm dari hostel
3.terlalu mnjakan student smpai bila dia task sma stdent n dat studnt x bt dia c biar jak...

tia salah kalo tujuan untuk mndekati student agar proses pembelajaran seng dijalankn. tapi plis gnala cara y sesuai~
btw?i know dgn cara nea kmoo ble gain populariti. kan??
apa la sgt populariti seorng guru kalo dibndingkn dgn kejayaan yang diperolehi oleh anak didik

fikir-fikirkan la nak~

:131::ANY COMMENT CLICK THE "leave a comment button"

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

happy tCHERS day! ^^,

happy tchers day! happy tchers day!happy tchers day!

happy tchers day! tx 4 d guidance,care n love!
tq so much!


:94:tcher WITHA tcher JB tcher PENIMA tcher EUNICE tcher SHARNIE
:face75:this giRl here really miss u all a lot!!hoping to find chance meeting with u all again!

sir Jimis sir Jimmy sir Nick Muhaimi sir Kenny
the best man! ^^,

tcher wani tcher Aisyah tcher Hozana Tcher Paulena tcher zue tcher Husnita Tcher naema tcher Ain!
da' super mom! super tcher! ^^, !

tx 4 da' best moment we've spent 2gether!
i love you all! ^^
sorry kalo me so noty2~!

:a1::a1::a1:spcial delivery!

to mom! tcher Rosilen... tx for everthing!
for me ur so lucky the mothers day passed and now i have to wish u eppy tchers day!
mama? me lv u so mch!